- Extra gloves, socks, and hats to share for warm hands and hearts
- Peppermints (with peppermint oil) for upset tummies and upset grownups
- Light sticks for kids who need a light on or to identify adult tents
- A camera for a scavenger hunt (not required but it's fun)
- Leather work gloves for the fire (adults only)
- A vinyl tablecloth for food prep area
- Folding chairs for while you're waiting for them to fall asleep
- Sing a lullaby, quiet doesn't always work (most any song sung softly will do)
- Latex-free band-aids fix everything
- Put names on everything, use nail polish to mark mess kits.
- Don't forget your food thermometer and can opener
- Drink water throughout the day
- Give each other a break
- Lantern for while you're waiting for them to fall asleep
- Bedtime story (nature related are best)
- Have everyone in your group wear the same color shirt or bandanna
- Bring shopping and brown paper bags for: trash cans, for compost or recycling to send home, for wet dishcloths and dishtowels, for unexpected treasure.
Camping, Hiking and Environmental Education info and links gathered over the years from here, there, and everywhere!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Camping with Kids
Things that make outdoor life easier with camping kids: